Rationale: This series of this in-service training is conducted for Stirling Schools Administrators for 2020-21 Academic Year. The overall aim …

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This series of this in-service training is conducted for Stirling Schools Administrators for 2020-21 Academic Year. The overall aim of this in-service training is to familiarize and refresh the decision-makers and implementers of the education program to improve their efficiency and effectiveness in managing the schools and subject departments.


July 25-29
Participants: General Directors (GD), Extra-Curricular Activities Coordinators (EAC), Educational Coordinators (EC), Principals (P), Public Relation Coordinators (PRC), Deputy Principal Academic (DPA), Deputy Principal Extracurricular Activities (DPEA), Regional Head of Subject Departments (RHSD), School Head of Subject Departments (SHSD). Notes: You will be asked to register on the UK Teachers' Academy website for the session you are required to join. (Please look at the PARTICIPANTS). You will receive the zoom link on your email and in addition Educational Coordinators will assist you. Each session will last approximately 40 minutes plus 10-minute question & answer session. There will be a 10-minute break in between sessions. You do not need to leave the session. Just turn off the video and mute the microphone. You are expected to take note during the sessions. There will be no recording. You will receive a certificate of completion upon completing the survey. You will be required to keep this in-service training certificate by means of proof that you received orientation from Stirling Education Main Office. We hope you will make the most out of these sessions. Your feedback will shape our future training. Best Regards,

Course Currilcum

    • Education in Global Perspective Presentation 00:00:00
    • Public Relations Presentation 00:00:00
    • Akreditasyon Presentation 00:00:00
    • Developing Digitally Presentation 00:00:00
    • Leadership and Decision Making Presentation 00:00:00
    • Webinar Reflection and Feedback Form Unlimited

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