About the webinar: How might a hybrid approach, embedding the development of 21st Century competencies into a knowledge-rich curriculum, support …
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1 year
Last Updated
June 1, 2022
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About the webinar:
How might a hybrid approach, embedding the development of 21st Century competencies into a knowledge-rich curriculum, support our students to have a deeper understanding of school-subject knowledge and develop the range of empowering, transferable skills they need for future learning, life and work? In this session, Dr Jenny Smith discusses her research on powerful knowledge for the 21st Century, and offers some practical approaches for learning design and classroom practice for K-12. Jenny will explore what is meant by ‘powerful knowledge’. Why it is powerful, and how school-subject learning can be enhanced in the classroom by supporting students to be more ‘knowledge aware’. For example, how do we approach something like a physicist, or a historian – what type of knowledge is physics or history, what methods of enquiry would we use, whose perspectives are we hearing and how are ideas challenged and new knowledge produced? If we add to that the explicit recognition and development of transferable skills such as critical thinking, mental flexibility, communication skills, team working skills, resilience and problem solving, we support students to develop the positive habits of learning and future-oriented knowledge and competencies needed for life and work in a post-Covid world.About the Instructor:
Dr Jenny Smith has a wealth of experience in leading complex national and international, education research and development projects, using a range of methodologies, across education phases. She is experienced in the use of a theory-of-change approach to developing, piloting and evaluating teaching and learning programmes and pedagogy for the classroom. Jenny has developed and delivered accredited courses in practitioner research, leadership and management, teacher education, and train-the-trainer with organisations including University of Cambridge, Anglia Ruskin University and the Institute for Leadership and Management. Her work in the MENA region, includes leading the development of a nation-wide moral-education programme and a 21st Century competencies framework for K-12, and teacher training. Her key research interests include, systems leadership, learning design and pedagogic discourse, and powerful knowledge.
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Course Currilcum
- Hybrid: Powerful knowledge and 21st Century competencies – ENG – Jenny Smith – Video 00:00:00
- Webinar Reflection and Feedback Form Unlimited